The Rundown

Running Related Injury
Running is a fantastic way to stay healthy, active, or create a performance goal. Whether you are training for a 5k, half-marathon, full-marathon, or just enjoying a casual jog with friends in a run club, running can be a life changing...
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Life is a journey.
Life is a journey. I want to share the story of how the Atreyu Running Company was born. The story begins in a small town in southwest Louisiana called Lake Charles, where I was embarking on my journey to sobriety...
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Tools | Resilience
re·sil·ience  /rəˈzilyəns/ noun 1. the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness.   Resilience is a part of everything. It's not the absence of pain, but instead how we deal with pain that will ultimately define our character. I was...
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What we practice, we become.
What does this mean? We say it a lot, but I'll share a little bit about this mantra with a quick story: My footwear career oddly started the day I committed to sobriety. I was told that if I wanted...
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Self Esteem | The ultimate endurance fuel
...Going to try and keep this one short and sweet.  On the surface, Atreyu Running Company is just another 1x1 image on your social media feed claiming to be honest, transparent, and authentic. To some folks, we may seem like...
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